What is revocation of a Certificate?
Revocation is the procedure of losing the validity of a certificate before its expiration date. It takes place as a result of receiving a request from the Subscriber or in the event a breach of a certificate is discovered. In the revocation process, the certificate goes to the so-called Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which is a list of revoked certificates.
Placing a certificate on the CRL list means that it is no longer trusted by browsers, programs for viewing documents, systems, etc. and prevents its further use.
Reasons for revocation of
Certum certificates
- Disclosure of certificate key
(e.g., loss of a physical card, loss of a wallet with a PIN stored on a card, loss of a phone with a PIN stored on it) - Change of subscriber's details
(e.g., change of name, obtaining a Pesel number) - Discontinuation of use of the certificate
(e.g., you can no longer hold the company data contained in the certificate) - I want to revoke my certificate without giving any reason
Can I revoke a deceased person's certificate?
Are there additional fees associated with certificate revocation?
Do I need to go to a Point of Sale to revoke a qualified certificate?
What happens to the certificate after it is revoked?
What is the waiting period for certificate revocation after requesting a qualified certificate revocation?
How do I revoke a qualified certificate for my former employee?
What if there is an error in the certificate?
How does issuing a new non-qualified certificate work?
- in case of a compromised key or incorrect certificate structure it is possible to use the reissue operation – the advantage of this method is lack of additional verification and automatic certificate issuance, the reissue method does not allow to change the data;
- in case of a compromised key or incorrect certificate structure it is also possible to resubmit an application – for this method it is required to repeat the process of verifying the domains and data in the certificate;
- in case of incorrect data it is necessary to resubmit the application with correct data – for this method it is required to repeat the process of verification of domains and data in the certificate.
How does revocation of an incorrect non-qualified certificate work?
- in case a private certificate's key was compromised or a domain verification was incorrectly performed, it will be up to 24 hours;
- in the case of an invalid field value in the certificate entity, it will be a maximum of 5 days.
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